Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Lafayette’s oil industry down, technology on the rise

The suffering oil and gas industry has left many out of work, but the technology world is on the rise and expected to bring a wave of job opportunities to the Hub City.
In 2014, three new companies made the Hub City their new home.
Opening a door of opportunity for many in the high-tech community.
CGI, Perficient and Enquero are currently hiring computer programmers.
UL-Lafayette College of Science Dean, Azmy Ackleh says the growing industry is great for his students.
So far 60 graduates have landed high-tech jobs here in Lafayette.
Ackleh says enrollment in his department is also seeing a boost.
 “In the fall of 2013 the number of all under graduate majors in the field of Computer Informatics was at 517 students. In the fall of 2015 that number became 563 students, so in two years you’re talking about a nine to ten percent growth.”
LEDA President and CEO, Greg Gothreaux adds these three companies will hire roughly one thousand jobs over the next three to four years.
 “We have been able to in essence create a new industry for this region, and that growth is exciting because it helps continue to diversify our economy, not away from oil and gas but with oil and gas.”
Grothreaux tells KLFY’s Carly Laing that the technology business is expected to continue to grow.
 “The fact that these companies are here means that as we satisfy the workforce needs of these companies, we should be able to grow not only within these companies, but local companies and perhaps more companies.”
The new employees that high-tech companies are looking to hire, will double Lafayette’s technology population according to Grothreaux.

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